There is no business on a dead planet. That is why we have teamed up with 158 other manufacturers of outdoor equipment under the umbrella of the European Outdoor Conversation Association (EOCA). We support selected nature conservation projects around the world. Current focus: the fight against plastic waste.

Preserving nature is in our own best interest. That is why deuter makes targeted and conscious investments not only in new products, but also in nature conservation. It’s worth it to us. We do not initiate our own actions, but cooperate with well-known and trustworthy organizations that take care of the handling and selection of environmental protection projects. We think that’s more efficient. Because in our specialized world we need people who are deeply involved in the topic – especially when it comes to the future of the environment and nature. We can also achieve more together – together with these experts and with the financial resources and ideas of other companies.

Climate change, threatened nature reserves, environmental pollution – we as the outdoor industry and outdoor athletes also contribute to this. We want to give something back to nature, with which we earn our living and which is our beloved playground. That is why, as a member of EOCA, ​​we support selected nature conservation projects around the world. EOCA was founded 15 years ago. In 2006, deuter became the first German sporting goods manufacturer to join the association. Because we think: Successful brands should also be sustainable. The number of well-known outdoor manufacturers has increased significantly since then.

In the past 13 years, EOCA has supported 121 nature conservation projects with a total of three million euros. These include repairing paths in East Tyrol and Scotland, natural corridors for elephants in India, protecting brown bears in northern Spain, stopping the deforestation of an ancient forest in Sweden, protecting the rainforest in Brazil and much more. 17 projects are currently running. The focus of the measures is on avoiding and reducing plastic waste. 300 million tons of plastic are produced annually in the world. Eight million of them end up in the oceans every year. According to experts at the United Nations, plastic in the oceans is one of the greatest current environmental problems. We therefore support EOCA’s efforts to remove plastic waste from the seas and coasts.

You too can help ensure that we have more intact nature around us in the future. Whether hiking, mountain biking, camping, ski touring, canoeing, climbing, fishing or just taking a walk in the fresh air – it also depends on your behavior. You can find lots of suggestions for a considerate approach to nature in your outdoor activities here:  Tips for living sustainably



We have to keep our wonderful nature. As a company, we want to actively do something about this – permanently. That is why deuter has joined the “1% for the Planet” initiative. With our contribution we support environmental protection projects worldwide.

“If we just keep taking, taking, taking and not giving anything back, in the end we will have nothing in our hands,” says Yvon Chouinard, founder of the outdoor brand Patagonia. It’s been almost 20 years since he sat down with fly-fishing expert Craig Mathews. Both brainstormed about ways to preserve our endangered nature and finally founded “1% for the Planet”. The idea behind it: Companies benefit from and pollute the environment with their products. You should therefore do something to maintain and regenerate it. However, most entrepreneurs neither have the time nor the knowledge to take care of it. This is where “1% for the Planet” comes into play. Either one percent of a company’s annual turnover or a portion of individual product lines goes to the initiative as a donation, which promotes selected and tested environmental protection projects around the world. We donate 10% of our sales to the brand new Infiniti series. This product line is the result of our sustainability concept: backpacks, bike covers, urban bags and dirt bags made from scraps of fabric that are used in the production of three million German articles each year. We think it’s a sensible thing. The amount of fabric used in the Infiniti series is the equivalent of five soccer fields. we find. The amount of fabric used in the Infiniti series is the equivalent of five soccer fields. we find. The amount of fabric used in the Infiniti series is the equivalent of five soccer fields.

Nepalhilfe has been around for almost 30 years. The four Beilngries police officers Christian Thumann, Manfred Lindner and Karl and Michael Rebele returned from their trekking trip to Nepal in 1992 with impressive images of huge mountains and smiling people. In a slide show at home they presented their experiences – and collected 3000 D-Marks in the process – the start-up capital for the Nepalhilfe Beilgries. The one-time donation campaign has turned into a long-term aid project that has enabled the construction of 28 schools, a children’s home, two hospitals, a blood bank, the financing of several ambulances and much more over the past 29 years. Some of the first students in the schools established by the NHB now work as teachers on site.

Prominent mountaineers like Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner, Ralf Dujmovits and Hans Kammerlander are connected to Nepalhilfe. Among other things, they give lectures and provide photos of their travels for the traditional calendar of Nepalhilfe.

You can order the calendar online here.

Living conditions can only improve if education, medical care and sanitary standards also improve. An increase in the standard of living can only be achieved from within. In the past, many school-age children in Nepal were denied a solid education because schools were unaffordable for many or simply too far away. The school projects supported by Nepalhilfe are intended to change that. With the help of deuter, among others, the Shanti Nikunja School was rebuilt in Kathmandu. To start with, we donated around € 30,000 for the construction of the building as well as 300 school backpacks and pencil cases. Since then, the locals sometimes speak of the “Deuter school” in the heart of Kathmandu. An e-learning center for learning foreign languages ​​was also set up with our financial support.

Since 2013, deuter has been supporting Nepalhilfe annually with financial means and donating backpacks, sleeping bags and accessories as needed. Projects such as the newly built infirmary in Kubinde, around 80 kilometers east of Kathmandu, have been implemented. It replaces the previously existing facility, which was completely destroyed by the 2015 earthquake. In addition, an elementary school is currently being built in Siranchour. Another project is a day care center for people with physical and mental disabilities in Lubhu. This will be inaugurated in early summer 2021.

You can find more news here: nepalhilfe-beilngries.de/neuheiten/2021/




Being able to do outdoor activities is still a privilege globally. Sport in nature is a valuable school for life and can open social barriers. This is exactly what the Blackpackers organization in Colorado is committed to. We support you.

Our society is colorful. Skin color, professions, nationalities, religions, ways of life, … in the end, this diversity enriches us. Is this mixture also reflected in outdoor sports? If we’re honest, it does so to a limited extent. Yes, it may also be because some groups in our society do not show an increased interest in outdoor sports. Often, however, it is also due to the high hurdles that make access to hiking, mountaineering, mountain biking or other outdoor activities difficult. The non-profit organization Blackpackers wants to lower these hurdles. We think it’s a good thing!

You can find more information about Blackpackers here: https://www.coblackpackers.com/

We have been supporting Blackpackers financially and with our equipment since 2020. The initiative, based in Colorado / USA, advocates equality in outdoor activities for those who are economically and socially less privileged. A main focus is on the people of color. They are significantly underrepresented in outdoor activities in America. Blackpackers is an apt play on words – black and backpacker. The non-profit organization is committed to offering equipment as well as outdoor excursions and training free of charge or at reduced costs. The second step is to enable these people to do internships and find jobs in the outdoor industry. An idea that is wonderfully integrated into deuter’s 360 ° responsibility approach.
Outdoor sport is much more than just an active, beautiful experience of nature. Outdoor sport is an excellent tool for social integration. And it helps to find personal strength – both physically and mentally. Not everyone has the time, money and social contacts to pursue outdoor activities. Outdoor sport is an enormously effective means that everyone can use to strengthen and maintain their natural roots. Whether hiking, climbing, biking, water sports or whatever nature sports – they not only strengthen the muscles, but also make an important contribution to positive psychological development and personality development. They promote self-confidence, the ability to work in a team and a sense of responsibility, they facilitate social learning and can help

Blackpackers has set itself the task of getting socially disadvantaged groups enthusiastic about outdoor sports, making it easier for them to access it and promoting them in their activities. A project that could actually catch on in Germany too. Patricia Cameron, founder of Blackpackers and herself an African American, says: “Being outdoors in nature is also a black activity. They may still be underrepresented, but the interest is there. ”In the summer of 2020, Patricia took the 485-mile Colorado Trail under the soles of her hiking boots with her backpack and tent alone. The camaraderie and helpfulness she experienced on the long-distance hiking trail was a hope-sowing revelation for her. Despite touring solo, Patricia rarely felt alone.